Suburban Legend presents Last Chance Saloon: A Wild West Pantomime, a family show written, directed, produced by and starring local residents, with profits benefiting local charities. BOO Billy The Kidd and his gang! YEE-HAW at the antics of our hero Jonathan Smith and his trusty horse Jones! Sing along to our silly songs and be ready to laugh at some of the best worst jokes ever told in Maplewood.
The year is 1865. The town of Lickety Split, Kansas has fallen on bad times, and has been broke for years – owing all their money to a local gang. At the local watering hole, owner Miss Kitty and her bouncer Josie Wales are trying to put together a show to lure interest from the NJT railroad company. They’re looking to build a station nearby and Miss Kitty wants Lickety Split to be that stop, but first she has to convince her childhood friend and secret beau Sheriff John “Duke” Morrison to join in on the idea.
However, all bets are off when two strangers walk into town, with a secret mission to find gold in the haunted caves. Can Smith and Jones get the gold and keep it, or will the local gang clean them out, too? Find out in our hilarious Wild West Show unlike any other!
Last Chance Saloon – Tickets Now Available!
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